Welcome to the Reading & Mid Berkshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)

About Us
CAMRA is the pub-goer's champion. We promote fine beers, ciders and perries in great pubs and defend the rights of the drinker. If you drink beer, cider, perry or like pubs CAMRA is the place for you! (click for more)
Our next social event

Our next meeting

For more details on the events above, including location and maps, click on the event name. More information on other branch events can be found in the Branch Diary.

(click for more)

Pub Guide
A map and list of all the Reading branch area pubs
Branch Contacts
  • Chair David Lawton

Please click here to contact members of the Reading branch committee

Mine's a Pint Magazine
Please click here to see details of our branch magazine
Central Southern CAMRA Region
Please click here to see the Regional Website, and links to Central Southern CAMRA branch websites

Branch pubs offering discounts to CAMRA members

Branch pubs which accept CAMRA Vouchers off the price of Real Ale, Cider & Perry

Branch pubs accredited to the LocAle Scheme

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What is CAMRA?:

Do you enjoy Real Ale, Real Cider or Real Perry in Real Pubs? Do you prefer to drink cask-conditioned ale to mass produced, mass market keg beer and lager? Does the continued threat against the unique flavours of real ale worry you? CAMRA is a national organization devoted to promoting real ale, cider and perry in real pubs, and Reading & Mid-Berkshire CAMRA, the local branch, is active both in campaigning for real ale, cider and perry, but also socially. (click for more)

The privacy and security of your personal data is very important to us. We take the responsibility seriously and want you to be confident in how we process your information. Read the CAMRA Privacy policy at http://www.camra.org.uk/privacy-policy