Gala Awards evening for our branch award winners

Tuesday 29 September 2015 20:00

The evening will celebrate some of the best of the wonderful selection of pubs in our branch - and some of the excellent beers that can be enjoyed in them. As well as a reprise of the presentation of the certificate to the Fox and Hounds in Caversham, our branch Pub of the Year, we will also present the certificates to the runner-up and other two finalists and potentially reprise the Cider Pub of the Year presentation. In addition the branch has agreed to make a special award for outstanding achievement to two pubs.

Kay Wesnes of the Fisherman's Cottage will receive the Best Newcomer Award. She had never run a pub before when she took on the Fisherman's Cottage, but what she lacked in experience, she has made up for with enthusiasm supported by the sound business skills of the family operating company of herself, Keith Wesnes and Anna Wesnes.

The Phoenix Award will go to the hosts for the evening, The Castle Tap. This award recognises the way they took on a dying pub and transformed it into a healthy vibrant venue for real ale and cider.

Not content with celebrating our pubs, the breweries that won Local Beers of the Festival will be presented with their certificates. Gravitas from Vale Brewery won the overall best local beer of festival and will collect their certificate alongside those being presented to Binghams Brewery, Rebellion Brewery and a reprise presentation to the West Berkshire Brewery.

The evening is not just open to CAMRA members. We look forward to welcoming anyone who enjoys a good beer and wants to show their support for the pubs that serve them, and breweries that produce them.