Turning 18 - Tap Room Crawl on the 18 Bus
Saturday 25 January 2025
The 'Turning 18' tap room crawl in Reading, featuring the no.18 bus route which handily links several drinking venues.
Start at the Siren RG1 Bar on Friar Street at 13.00. After a few beers, catch the 14.36 bus to Double-Barrelled Brewery Tap, Portman Road, arriving about 14.55. Enjoy some more beers, then catch the 16.41 bus back to Phantom Brewery Tap, Meadow Road (use The Moderation bus stop), arriving about 17.00 for ... more beers.
Food-wise, Siren will have their regular menu, Double-Barrelled will have pizzas from Anima e Cuore, and Phantom will have their usual 7-Bone burgers.
We have a table reserved at each stop. If you plan to come, please let me know in case we need to make it a bigger table!