June FTOTM Social

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:00

First Tuesday/Thursday of the Month social. Meet 7pm at Bull Hotel, 76/78 High Street, Wargrave, RG10 8DE. 7.45pm present long service awards to Jayne Worrall. We will move on at 8 pm to Wargrave & District Snooker Club, Woodclyffe Hostel, Church Street, Wargrave, RG10 8EP. 8.30pm present Club with COTY award 2024. All welcome.

Train times Rdg 18:33 Wargrave 18:55 or Rdg 19:12 Wargrave 19:25. Return Wargave 08 & 37 minutes past hour Reading 40 & 09 past hour.